Monday 7 December 2009

My adventure in Thailand

I’m sure you’ll all agree with me here, when you say you’ve heard a story from a friend or their friends when they say they have had a great time on their holiday but a so-called disaster happened or a little accident, that by looking back on it is only funny now rather than at that precise moment in time…? Well I can definitely say I’ve been there, done this and that twice and certainly not only got millions of photo’s but I’m sure I have a t-shirt for it somewhere too!

Thailand, what negative word can you say about it? nothing to be frank, beautiful idyllic white-sand-turquoise-sea beaches, crisp heat simmering on your newly tanned shoulders, fresh delicious fruit, freshly caught seafood and local people more friendlier than your nan in a good mood.

There really is nothing bad to say about it. Really had a good time, the above only is to say is be careful. I'm serious, I seem to attract danger wherever I go, not sure where exactly that comes from, but I'm sure it has something to do with me being a little bit (that's an understatement) of a hypochondriac.

I went to Thailand with my ex-boyfriend, my first holiday with sun involved in a while, I couldn’t wait, I was more excited than he was (he was more interested in the free beer on our flight and the access to the Hollywood hotties in the free movies). I couldn’t wait, I hadn’t been on holiday in a while, like 3 years that involved sun, proper sun not England’s excuse for sun in our british summer, he’s South African so sun is either sorely missed or he seriously doesn’t care unless Man U are involved.

We got to Thailand after a 15 hour flight, including that of a 4 hour wait in Doha airport, arriving wearing the completely wrong clothes, I opted for what the weather in England was (skinny black jeans, black and grey top, converse-everything that screams rainy day but more lik “heat me up scottie”) whilst he opted for the plainer and definitely more suitable option of shorts and a tee, believe me, I was definitely regretting it after we touched down.

After arriving in the airport, the air conditioning was so overpowering I thought the guys at Flight Centre were lying when we picked our trip because it wasn’t boiling hot weather like they swore it would be until we hit outside and felt like I was evaporating from the inside (we went in April when it was hotter that the inside of your oven at top volume!).

Bangkok wasn’t what I first thought of as a luxury place to be, so many people were scootering around each other with their whole families on their bikes, whizzing around, not caring about the person next to them, whilst others ripped vunerable tourists off with their ‘no speaking English tours round the city.’

Due to the heat it was very hard to ease into this culture, but after dropping our stuff off at our accommodation for the night and heading to Koh San Road, to sample the local cuisine and use the best of our bartering skills to get a great deal on the many gifts we were to bring home after the holiday. It was busy, it was crazy and it was packed, rather like Oxford Street at Christmas except less shouting at each other over who jumped the queue but more of shouting at each other whilst a poor skinned something-or-rather is shoved into your face, hacked to pieces and fried to their liking.

Koh San Road was lovely if not a little frantic and busy but it was nice to see the hustle and somewhat bustle of this famous street known for its foods and spurts of magnificient colours. We stayed there for a while had a bite to eat and headed back to the hotel via a tuk tuk with the nicest guy who drove us around to the Palace, the markets and to some beautiful temples.

On leaving this beautiful temple is where i had my first incident of the holiday...must to my ex's amusement i got pooped on by a pigeon to which the tuk tuk driver laughed and said in very broken english that it was good luck to have be pooped on outside a temple. So yeah i must admit first holiday in a while and although its not a preference of mine to be shat on, if it gives me bad luck..why the heck not right?

After getting back to the hotel, we showered and changed getting our things ready for the coach ride (suggested by ex boyfriend who thought it would be a wonderful if not cheap way to see the countryside) to Koh Somui (with boat transfer) which ended up taking 16 hours not 10 like they promised sitting squashed behind to overly-obese American's eating hamburgers.

On reaching Koh Somui, after the boat ride, the little sleep and need for a clean toilet that doesn't involve a hole in the ground it was great to see the hotel we were staying in was right on the beach where beautiful sunsets were to be seen each night...

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